
Best Keynote Speaker 2024

United Kingdom, 2025 – EU Business News Magazine reveals the winners of the inaugural Italian Business Awards 2024.

The novelist and film producer Davide Amante has been awarded ‘Best Keynote Speaker of the Year 2024’ for his impactful speeches. Davide Amante is a best-selling novelist that organizations, institutions and universities invite as a Keynote speaker to their events. His most appreciated speech is about Innovation. 40 minutes during which the novelist delves with passion and a plain language into the concept of Innovation. “Innovation, before anything else, actually begins inside us as an individual attitude,” tells us Davide Amante in his interesting speech before an audience of over 240 leaders, C-suite managers and workers, at an event organized by a multinational organization.
The one million copies novelist then explains that when we explore and understand this attitude, we can ultimately develop a limitless ability to empower teams and organizations. 
Davide Amante’s powerful speech, named after the Swedish word ‘Kulturbarer’ is not one that bores you: you go from the around the world sailing competition winner Bernard Moitessier, through first Everset explorer Sir Edmund Hillary and entrepreneur Sheryl Sandberg, to Coca Cola, sculptor Michelangelo and NASA’s Apollo Missions and greek philosopher Pindar, all the way to understand the concepts of Change and Opportunity.

The author captivates and enthralls audiences with a plain, sometimes ironical and certainly fascinating language. And you ultimately come out of his speech with refreshed energy, understanding that Innovation can actually make or break your personal and business life.

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